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Author Wilkie Collins
Genres Prose: Leading Article i
Prose: Serial Fiction i
Subjects Death; Grief; Mourning; Mourning Customs in Literature; Funeral Rites and Ceremonies; Life Cycle, Human; Old Age; Mortality
Family Life; Families; Domestic Relations; Sibling Relations; Kinship; Home;
Health; Diseases; Personal Injuries; Hygiene; Cleanliness—Fiction
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
Medical care; Nursing; Hospitals; Hospital Care; Surgery; Medicine; Physicians
Precious Metals; Precious Stones; Gold; Gold Mines and Mining; Mines and Mineral Resources; Minerals; Metals; Quarries and Quarrying
Religion; Religion and Culture
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Westminster Abbey


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Author Joseph Charles Parkinson
Genre Prose: Report i
Subjects Architecture; Building; Housing; Property; Landlord and Tenant;
London (England)—Description and Travel
Religion; Religion and Culture
Religion—Christianity—Church of England
Travel; Tourism; Hotels; Resorts; Seaside Resorts—Fiction; Passports;
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Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Animals; Domestic Animals; Pets; Working Animals; Birds; Insects
Ethics; Morals; Moral Development; Moral Education; Philosophy; Values
Europe, Eastern—Description and Travel; Europe, Central—Description and Travel
Myth; Legends; Epic Literature; Fables; Allegory; Folklore
Supernatural; Superstition; Spiritualism; Clairvoyance; Mesmerism; Ghosts; Fairies; Witches; Magic; Occultism
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Author Charles Mackay
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Music; Musical Instruments; Songs; Singing; Opera
Popular Culture; Amusements
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Article reprinted (prefaced by a few new introductory sentences, and minus the last--the editorial imprimatur--and with 'I' substituted for 'the writer') as 'The Mirth of the Million' in Mackay's collection of essays, Under the Blue Sky (London: Samson Low, 1871), pp. 188-201. Ex inf. Christine Kyprianides.

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Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects France—History
France—Politics and Government
War; Battles; Peace; Military History; Weapons; Soldiers
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Based largely on Charles Edmund Prudent Le Cointe, Conspiration des barons normands contre Guillaume le Bâtard, duc de Normandie, et bataille du Val-des-Dunes en 1047 (Caen: 1868).

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Genre Prose: Serial Fiction i
Subjects Ethics; Morals; Moral Development; Moral Education; Philosophy; Values
Health; Diseases; Personal Injuries; Hygiene; Cleanliness—Fiction
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
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