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African Zephyrs


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Author Edmund Saul Dixon
Genres Prose: Essay i
Prose: Leading Article i
Subject France—Colonies
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A Splendid Match


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Author Eliza Lynn Linton
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subject Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
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Author George Augustus Sala
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Commercial Products (Commodities); Material Culture; Shopping; Advertising
Gender Identity; Women; Men; Femininity; Masculinity
Newspapers; Periodicals; Journalism
Social classes; Class distinctions; Aristocracy (Social Class); Aristocracy (Social Class)—Fiction; Middle Class; Working Class; Servants;
Work; Work and Family; Occupations; Professions; Wages
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See also 'Want Places', Household Words, VII, No. 179.

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Author Adelaide Anne Procter
Genre Poetry: Lyric i
Subject Weather; Meteorology; Climate; Seasons
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Author Henry Morley
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Animals; Domestic Animals; Pets; Working Animals; Birds; Insects
Natural Sciences (Astronomy / Botany / Geology / Natural History / Oceanography / Paleontology / Zoology)
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Author Charles Dickens
Genre Prose: History i
Subject Great Britain—History
Attachments: 0 · Links: 0 · Hits: 1937

Compiled in large part from Thomas Keightley, The History of England, and from George L. Craik and Charles MacFarlane, The Pictorial History of England.

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