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Author Amelia Ann Blandford Edwards
Genres Prose: Leading Article i
Prose: Serial Fiction i
Subjects Ethics; Morals; Moral Development; Moral Education; Philosophy; Values
Money; Finance; Banking; Investments; Taxation; Insurance; Debt; Inheritance and Succession
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More Light


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Genre Prose: Essay i
Subject Energy; Fuel; Gas; Coal; Peat
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Author Henry T. Spicer
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Art; Design; Painting; Sculpture; Photography; Interior Decoration;
Character; Character Sketches; Caricature
Historiography; Archaeology; Genealogy; Archives
Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Myth; Legends; Epic Literature; Fables; Allegory; Folklore
Theatre; Performing Arts; Performing; Dance; Playwriting; Circus
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Attribution: Kathleen Tillotson, 'Henry Spicer, Forster, and Dickens' Dickensian, 84 (1988), p. 77. Article reprinted in Spicer's Bound to Please, 2 vols (1867).

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Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subject Art; Design; Painting; Sculpture; Photography; Interior Decoration;
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Based in part on Life and Times of Sir Joshua Reynolds: With Notices of Some of his Contemporaries by Charles Robert Leslie and Tom Taylor (London: John Murray, 1865).

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White Lies


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Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Ethics; Morals; Moral Development; Moral Education; Philosophy; Values
Fraud; Forgery; Deception; Betrayal—Fiction
Great Britain—Social Life and Customs
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Down in Cornwall


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Author Robert Stephen Hawker
Genre Prose: Autobiography; Biography; Memoirs; Obituary; Anecdotes i
Subjects Country Life; Rural Conditions; Rural Conditions in Literature; Rural Development
Great Britain—Description and Travel
Great Britain—Social Life and Customs
Religion; Religion and Culture
Religion—Christianity—Church of England
Supernatural; Superstition; Spiritualism; Clairvoyance; Mesmerism; Ghosts; Fairies; Witches; Magic; Occultism
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Genre Advertisement(s) i
Subject Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
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Advertisement for the publication in monthly parts of Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens

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