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Highly Proper!


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Author Wilkie Collins
Genres Prose: Essay i
Prose: Leading Article i
Subjects Education—Great Britain; Universities and Colleges; Schools
Social classes; Class distinctions; Aristocracy (Social Class); Aristocracy (Social Class)—Fiction; Middle Class; Working Class; Servants;
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Author John Oxenford
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Money; Finance; Banking; Investments; Taxation; Insurance; Debt; Inheritance and Succession
Supernatural; Superstition; Spiritualism; Clairvoyance; Mesmerism; Ghosts; Fairies; Witches; Magic; Occultism
Travel; Tourism; Hotels; Resorts; Seaside Resorts—Fiction; Passports;
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Authors Joseph Ede
W[illiam] H[enry] Wills
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Great Britain—History
Newspapers; Periodicals; Journalism
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Based on the first number of the Gentleman's Magazine from January 1731.

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Safe Harbour


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Author Henry Morley
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Engineering;
Ships; Boats; Shipwrecks; Salvage; Merchant Marine; Sailors; Sailing; Submarines (Ships)
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Based on Edward K. Calver, On the Construction and Principle of a Wave Screen (1858).

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Author Adelaide Anne Procter
Genre Poetry: Lyric i
Subjects Death; Grief; Mourning; Mourning Customs in Literature; Funeral Rites and Ceremonies; Life Cycle, Human; Old Age; Mortality
Religion; Religion and Culture
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Segment's Shadow


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Author James Payn
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Friendship
Gender Identity; Women; Men; Femininity; Masculinity
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
Travel; Tourism; Hotels; Resorts; Seaside Resorts—Fiction; Passports;
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Author Henry Morley
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects Charity; Philanthropists; Philanthropists—Fiction; Benevolence
Children; Childhood; Pregnancy; Childbirth; Child Rearing; Adoption; Child Labor
Medical care; Nursing; Hospitals; Hospital Care; Surgery; Medicine; Physicians
Poverty; Poor Laws—Great Britain; Workhouses—Great Britain
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Author Wilkie Collins
Genre Prose: History i
Subjects Crime; Criminals; Punishment; Capital Punishment; Prisons; Penal Transportation; Penal Colonies
Law; Lawyers; Justice; Courts; Trials
Police; Detectives; Mystery and Detective Stories; Mystery; Mystery Fiction; Forensic Sciences
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Genre Advertisement(s) i
Subjects Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Theatre; Performing Arts; Performing; Dance; Playwriting; Circus
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Advertisement for Mr. Charles Dickens's Readings
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Authors Wilkie Collins
Charles Dickens
Genres Prose: Essay i
Prose: Leading Article i
Subjects Great Britain—Social Life and Customs
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Dickens probably wrote the following portions of 'A Clause for the New Reform Bill': the paragraph beginning 'When, for instance' (p. 385); the paragraph beginning 'Even the Railways' (p. 386); from 'And let the New Reform Bill' (p. 387) to the conclusion.
Dickens may also have rewritten or added to the following passage: from the beginning to 'right to expect' (p. 385).
In addition, Dickens seems to have had a hand in many other passages.
'A Clause for the New Reform Bill' - a plea to reduce the mummery surrounding royal progresses - was conceived and outlined by Dickens. In a passage omitted from the published version of a letter to Wills (24 September 1858, from Newcastle) - the letter is now in the Huntington Library - Dickens, then on a reading tour, spoke of enclosing some notes regarding an idea about the Queen. Earlier, writing from Leeds (15 September 1858) while traveling on the same tour, he remarked to his daughter Mamie: 'These streets look like a great circus with the season just finished. All sorts of garish triumphal arches were put up for the Queen, and they have got smoky, and have been looked out of countenance by the sun, and are blistered and patchy, and half up and half down, and are hideous to behold. Spiritless men (evidently drunk for some time in the royal honour) are slowly removing them, and on the whole it is more like the clearing away of The Frozen Deep [a play by Wilkie Collins] at Tavistock House [Dickens' residence, where the play had been performed] than anything within your knowledge.' These remarks are versions of Dickens' chief additions to 'A Clause' (see ascriptions in first paragraph above), and are central to the substance and the theme of the essay. It seems likely that Collins, following Dickens' notes, wrote up Dickens' idea about the Queen, and that Dickens later went over the piece and added to it.

Harry Stone; © Bloomington and Indiana University Press, 1968. DJO gratefully acknowledges permission to reproduce this material.

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Tried Friendship


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Author William Moy Thomas
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Education—Great Britain; Universities and Colleges; Schools
Health; Diseases; Personal Injuries; Hygiene; Cleanliness—Fiction
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
Medical care; Nursing; Hospitals; Hospital Care; Surgery; Medicine; Physicians
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Two Worlds


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Author Adelaide Anne Procter
Genre Poetry: Lyric i
Subjects Religion; Religion and Culture
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Author Henry Morley
Genre Prose: Digest; Review i
Subjects Germany—History; Austria—History
Germany—Politics and Government; Austria—Politics and Government
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Based on Thomas Carlyle, History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great, Vols. I-II (1858).

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Author James Payn
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Crime; Criminals; Punishment; Capital Punishment; Prisons; Penal Transportation; Penal Colonies
Police; Detectives; Mystery and Detective Stories; Mystery; Mystery Fiction; Forensic Sciences
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Author Edmund Saul Dixon
Genre Prose: Essay i
Subjects France—Social Life and Customs
Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Newspapers; Periodicals; Journalism
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Genre Advertisement(s) i
Subjects Literature; Writing; Authorship; Reading; Books; Poetry; Storytelling; Letter Writing
Theatre; Performing Arts; Performing; Dance; Playwriting; Circus
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Advertisement for Mr. Charles Dickens's Readings
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Five Comets


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Author Edmund Saul Dixon
Genres Prose: Essay i
Prose: Leading Article i
Subject Natural Sciences (Astronomy / Botany / Geology / Natural History / Oceanography / Paleontology / Zoology)
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Part of a series of articles in this volume by Dixon on comets. See also 'Farewell to the Comet' (HW, XVIII, No. 449) and 'Chips from the Comet' (HW, XVIII, No. 452).

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Author Harriet Parr
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Education—Great Britain; Universities and Colleges; Schools
Family Life; Families; Domestic Relations; Sibling Relations; Kinship; Home;
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
Money; Finance; Banking; Investments; Taxation; Insurance; Debt; Inheritance and Succession
Social classes; Class distinctions; Aristocracy (Social Class); Aristocracy (Social Class)—Fiction; Middle Class; Working Class; Servants;
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On the Gold Coast


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Author Miss [?] Martin
Genre Prose: Travel-writing i
Subjects Africa—Description and Travel
Africa—Social Life and Customs
Law; Lawyers; Justice; Courts; Trials
Race; Racism; Ethnicity; Anthropology; Ethnography
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Author Charles Allston Collins
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Dreams; Visions; Sleep
Great Britain—Social Life and Customs
Sports; Games; Leisure; Pleasure; Hunting; Horse Racing; Gambling; Duelling
Travel; Tourism; Hotels; Resorts; Seaside Resorts—Fiction; Passports;
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See also 'The Great Dunkerque Failure' (HW, XVIII, No. 449).

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