Martin, Miss. Not identified. The Office Book record of payment made on the same date (May 7) for the last four items assigned to Miss Martin ["Bush and Beach", XIX, 364–67. March 19, 1859; "On the West African Coast", XIX, 510–14. April 30, 1859; "A May Day in the Pyrenees", XIX, 549–52. May 7, 1859; "Japan Traits", XIX, 561–65. May 14, 1859] indicates that they are by one contributor. The four items deal with Africa, the Pyrenees, and Japan – as do the first five items so assigned ["How the Avalanche Comes Down at Barèges", XV, 292–94. March 28, 1857; "A Packet-Ship's Company", XVII, 350–53. March 27, 1858; "On the Gold Coast", XVIII, 419–23. Oct. 16, 1858; "King Cotton", XIX, 38–40. Dec. 11, 1858; "Japanese Social Life", XIX, 237–40. Feb. 5, 1859] . All nine items, therefore, are the writing of one contributor.