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smash on his face." At that moment one
of the gendarmes, whom I have never seen
since those days, save in Robert Macaire,
where I feel kindly to them, like old friends
of childhood, came lounging leisurely down.
He was the one peace officer of the district,
and was really as resplendent as white and
yellow braid could make him. This official
had reasons for being specially wary on
this occasion, and came down to us, on
which the crowd dispersed, and Mr. Leah
" drew off," talking very loud, and banging
down his arm, and addressing an imaginary

"I thought he meant nothing," said Tom,
"all wind and froth; just like 'em all round.
He's double my weight," added Tom,
addressing a real audience in his
impetuosity, " and a head over me; but I am
to be found anywhere, at any time. And
that Jack-in-the-box,"— so he contemptuously
alluded to the gendarme " can tell
him he knows me." Wonderful creature,
Tom; so much at home in the world, brave,
gallant, insolent perhaps, but certainly
wonderful. "I tell you what," went on
Tom, hastily, "we'll do something to take
down the conceit of these frog-eaters. Let
us show them what we are made of, and
that we are not ashamed of our country.
We'll have a procession, boys, and hoist the
British flag, in honour of the day."

At the time we thought this was merely
fine and figurative language, like the "nailing
to the mast," which so often followed
an operation even then familiar to us.
A British flag could not be had nearer than
the Southampton packet. But we did not
know what Tom, as he himself assured us,
could do " when he was excited." We were
delighted at something coming, something
to look forward to, and waited anxiously
for the hour appointed.

It was one of the fine summer evenings
cheap here from their very plentysoft
and fragrant, with the light lasting till past
ten o'clock, and no cloudy night. At nine
the common re-echoed with the cheerful
notes of talk and laughter; and along the
roadside down to the right, where the high
road joined, and the trees set in and made
an avenue, and the lamps hung across from
a string, various of the natives sauntered
by, talking over the day. There was a
pleasant lull abroad. Suddenly Tom
appeared among us, emerging from the prison-
like gate hurriedly.

"Another row with the governor," he
said, "but I wouldn't fail. Here we are,"
and to our wondering eyes produced what
seemed a little counterfeited union-jack !
" I got Victorine to make it, and gave her
instructions myself. Bless you ! I know the
colours by heart. Now, boys, fall in, I say."

Clearly some great "fun" was coming,
and we did as we were bid, and fell in. We
started in a sort of procession, marshalled
by Tom. He walked at the head. A few
loungers stopped to look, and wondered, I
suppose. But when the glorious "jack"
was unfurled, carried by Tom in person,
they understood perfectly. "There" he
said, "there could be no mistake." At
fixed points we were ordered to halt and
cheer, which we did with a will. A few
squibs, purchased at a sou a piece for the
occasion, gave quite the air of a feu-de-joie.
Naturally this excited attention. Suddenly
a little English lad calls out,

"But I say, Tom, the orchard fellows are
coming!" And looking in that direction
we saw about a dozen of the blouses
running out from the apple-trees.

"Halt!" cried Tom. " Steady, lads!"
We drew up in a line. We assumed by
instinct that their errand must be hostile.
Were they not our natural enemies? And
as they came on, another called out, "And
Tom, I say, there's that Leah!"

Tom looked out curiously, shading his
eyes, and said, " I knew when they saw
the Jack—— " He was not at all familiar
with the sacred volume, or he would have
said that the Lord had delivered the Frenchman
into his hands. As it was, I recollect
some expression answering to the sentiment
came into his face.

The "fellows" came on, gesticulating
and chattering, Tom at once stepping in
front and waving his flag to them in cheerful
encouragement. It really had the effect
of scarlet on a bull, and Leah,— foaming at
the mouth like such a steer, sputtering
awful consonants, in which the sound of
"s'cray!" and "tz!" were conspicuous
strode up close, and made a grasp at our

Tom spoke French well, put his hand on
Mr. Leah's chest, and said sharply, " Stand
back! Que voulez-vous!"

The answer was unintelligible. But in
a moment we heard him speaking very
fast and fiercely, and Tom answered very
lightly and slowly:

"With all my heart! Make a ring, boys.
I am going to thrash this fellow."

In a moment the ring was made, the
blues on one side, the blacks on the other;
the " gentlemen" one way, the plebeians
the other. Tom would not take off his