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"Oh, I must speak the truth, it is much
too serious for me. I know perfectly well
what is on foot, and what your father is
about. It is talked of all over the place.
It is just as that racing fellow does, Jasper,
who has his two horses, and doesn't care
with which he wins. I thought Katey was
too noble, too brave, to lend herself to such
a scheme. It's not worthy of you, nor of
Doctor Findlater."

"What, sir? Pray what's not worthy
of me?" said a voice behind them. " This
is fine criticism, Mr. Tom Clarke! What's
that about, Katey?"

"Oh, nothing, Peter," said she, " only he
doesn't approve of my going in to see Mr.
Leader. And I tell him that he has no
right to suspect me, or to impute designs
to me!" Words spoken with ebbing and
flowing colour, and a trembling voice.

"No more he has, my pet. And I think
it's scarcely called for. Now, Katey, say
good-bye, and go in to your mother, who's
waiting for you. There!" And Katey,
haughty as a princess, walked away into
the house. The Doctor looked after her in
smiling abstraction. When the door had
closed on her, he turned sharply on the
young man; there was mischief in his eye.

"See here, Mister Clarke, I can read
you, like one of the large books they give
to old weak-sighted folk. Now this won't
do – plainly and above board, it won't
do – you mistake your footing."

"Doctor Findlater, what can you

"I've seen it for some time – a kind of
proprietorship. It's unmanly, even mean,
Tom Clarke. I'm surprised. I took you
for something above that. I assure you
it's hurt me."

"This is quite a new tone, Doctor
Findlater, but I can understand it. I am
sharp enough to see the reason. Ever since
this regiment came, it has been only too
transparent, not only to me but to the whole

The Doctor turned on him in a second;
perhaps he had counted on this very speech.

"Stop there, sir – don't say a word more.
Ah, you've shown yourself! How dar'
you presume t' impute such a thing to my
spotless child? How dar' you?"

"Not to her, nor to you – "

"I know well what you mean; what
dirty imputations are wrapped up in that
old rag of an excuse. You'd say, sir,
because we cultivate the genteel society of
military men, that we're scheming to catch
them, to take them. My poor Katey and
Polly – my sweet, innocent cherries on one
stalk, to think you should be turned into
scheming hacks! I declare the notion is
comic, so it is!"

"I assure you, you misunderstand me,"
said the young man, terrified at this view.
"I never meant it: it would be sacrilege."

"Oh, leave it so," said the Doctor, quietly,
"it's gone far enough. My poor Katey!
To come from such a quarter; on you,
above all. Now, not a word more. It
puts the matter on a correct footing. See,
my good boy, I don't blame you; you act
according to your lights. But it qualifies
the preceding position altogether; that's
understood. Touch one of my daughters,
and I turn porcupine, with quills in every

"Just answer me," said the young man,
imploringly; " we are old friends." (There
was a comic expression in the Doctor's
face.) " Well, I mean for the time that
you have been here. Just say, plainly,
that you don't mean to sacrifice Katey to
this poor, rich, weak fellow — "

"You're very forward, sir. Who gave
you a patent to make such inquiries;
and inquiries couched in the most offensive
way? But you're young, my poor lad.
I am ashamed to be talking to you as I
would to a pundit. But, see here, as
you've chosen to accuse a daughter of mine
of scheming, and trying to entrap – yes,
you did, sir!" added the Doctor, fiercely;
"don't forget yourself more, for I don't
want to have the inconvenience of a quarrel
with you; but after an impewtation of
that sort, the preceding intercourse must
be abated. That's only my duty as a
father. Good-day, sir."


EVERY one has read about the enormous
bells made in Russia and China; and nearly
every one has some acquaintance with the
troubles which at first beset the two
bells cast successively for the Houses of
Parliament at Westminster. But there
are many interesting facts connected with
the tones or sounds of bells which are not
so familiar. Those sounds had formerly
much more importance attached to them
than they have now. A firm belief existed
that the sound of church bells would drive
away thunder and lightning, and also
repel demons and evil spirits; in fact,
these were parts of the same supersti-
tion, seeing that the production of thunder