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duke's physician!" she said, scornfully.
"This speaks volumes."

"So it does, ma'am," said the Doctor.
"I know what ducal physic is, and the
West-end soft soap, genteel practice, too.
This being so, ma'am, and there being a
want of confidence clearly expressed on
both sides, I decline to meet any outsider
of the kind. It's understood now there's
a new course of treatment, and I'm no
longer responsible."

"Your responsibility is no value to us,
and the treatment is; we have to go to

"To Madeary! By the powers!" cried
the Doctor, dumfounded.

He, however, extricated himself with
small loss; and to his friends made much
of " old Medewsy " getting down a rose-water
doctor, with special fees, and who
must "go with them, he supposed, as travelling
doctor. There was no being up to
these schemers after all!

Doctor Gunter had, indeed, pronounced
that no moment was to be lost; one of the
lungs was " touched," consumption impending,
and they must go off to hide from the
stabbing east winds. Mrs. Leader was infinitely
discontented, as much as a child,
at the last moment, disappointed of a pantomime.
Here was everything, and dear
Lady Buckstone, all upset. But there was
no help for it, and in her own way she loved
her daughter. There was some compensation
in the fact that it was to be " a good
year" at Madeira. The Flocktons were
to be there, the young lord's chest being
threatened, and though not absolutely
acquainted with that noble family, something
might be done through " dear Lady
Buckstone." There were the Count and
Countess Borini, and a journey of some
European queen was talked of. Gunter
said three or four months would be quite
sufficient. The news caused great stir
and bitter disappointment in the place.
This feeling was inflamed by the Doctor,
who, furious at the way he had been treated,
and acute enough to see that he never
could make a friend of Mrs. Leader, cast
about how he was to make profit out of
her as an enemy.

"My old yellow Yahoo!" he said, " how
dar' she speak to me because I took leave
to differ from the Court quack she brought
down! I refused point blank to meet the
fellow in consultation, who is dragging the
poor child across the sea at this time of
year. Madness, indeed! It'll be her death.
But I wash my hands of the whole party."

This was not strictly true, for Doctor
Findlater's next proceeding did not amount
to such ablution. He went to wait on Mr.
Leader, whom he found looking very
miserable, harassed with numerous letters,
begging and otherwise, and much wearied.
He looked alarmed as the Doctor entered,
holding him as one of those terrible men
there is no resisting or getting rid of.
The Doctor soon let him know what he
desired. He had been much hurt at what
had been put upon him, in that house,
when he had least expected it. It seemed
to him ungracious and unkind. He was a
gentleman, belonging to one of the learned
professions, and he must say such treatment
from a lady of Mrs. Leader's rank
amounted to oppression.

"Yes, sir, that is the word." The scorn
on the Doctor's lips was wonderful. The
little " landed gentleman " shrank from
him. " What amende"—pronounced almond
—" what almond can I ask for? Tell
me that?"

"My dear sir, I was just writing to
you. We have been so busy, and if you
will allow meif you would not think me
exceeding what may be due to professional
etiquetteto ask you to name——"

At this pleasing moment Mrs. Leader
entered hastily. "Never mind that now,
dear," she said. "I'll settle all that later.
I want you. Pray excuse us, Mr. Findlater;
you know we are in such a fuss."

This disappointment ratified the act of
hostility between the parties. "She'll pay
me that twenty pounds yet," for at such
a figure did the Doctor estimate his loss,
"the poor kite's-claw toady, and may the
genteel ladies snub her till she turns sick!
She get on in society! not if she was to
say, ' there's five hundred pounds down,
and ask me to your party.' What decent
lord or lady could have such an old Judy
at their routs, with all her tawdry silks
and ribbons stuck about her? Oh, I'll be
even with you yet, ma'am!"


EARLY in July, 1817, Miss Maria Glenn,
a young West Indian lady, daughter of a
gentleman who held plantations in the
island of Saint Vincent, and who had been
for some time residing at Taunton with her
uncle, Mr. G. F. Tuckett, a barrister, was
sent for change of air to the house of a
Mrs. Bowditch, the widow of a farmer, who
lived at Holway Farm, a mile and-a-half