which we caused in the mind of a Greek to
whom we were pointing out the shape of St.
George's Chapel, Windsor. We wished him to
understand that it was built in the form of a
cross, and we said, 'H ????? ????? ??? ???????.
Our Greek friend's mind evidently failed to
catch any idea of what we meant; but as soou
as we corrected ourselves and said, ?????????,
?????-???????, a gleam of intelligence flashed
across his face, and he crossed his fore lingers as
he answered, ???????, ???????, ???????????.
But to return to our friends at the London
Tavern. A fanciful captain of Engineers (??????????
?????????) says: "I discover Greece in the
midst of England, Athens in the centre of London,
and I join in your feelings of pride when
I see above my head, with joy upon their faces,
our ancient gods and heroes listening now for
the first time in this famous hall to their own
native tongue." There is not a word of Greek
in his communication which a very indifferent
scholar might not understand; he would translate
??????????????, "cleaned up for the occasion,"
perhaps; and he might be right, for the
word would bear it, and the circumstance would
be probable. At any rate, it is a proof that
Hellas is reviving, and that the language of
Themistocles and Pericles and the great men of
ancient Greece is reviving: and we repeat, why
should not our youth have the chance of availing
themselves of that fact? Answer may now
be made to the querulous inquiry, what is the
use of Greek? It may be read and it may be
spoken. Why, the very first time we were ever
in a Greek's house, we took up a book, and what
do you think it was called? '? ??????????????
????????—the Wandering Jew! We had no idea
when we stumbled through ?????, that we
should live to read a novel in the Greek character;
but greater surprises than that awaited us:
we have lived to ask a living creature "if we
should ring the bell," "if we should give him
some fish," "if we should cut him some bread,"
"if he would take some meat," &c, all in Greek!
But we never thought we should read a police
case in Greek; yet we have. The case is headed
????—Drunkenness. A woman of dissipated
appearance (????????? ?????) is brought
up in the Thames police-court (?? ?? ???????????????
????????), charged with stealing an
overcoat (?????????), value twelve shillings
(???????). She pawned (????? ????????) the
coat and got drunk with the money (???????
?? ?? ???????). The magistrate sentenced the
woman to three months' imprisonment and hard
labour (??? ????? ????? ????????? ??? ?????
????). Moreover, the British Star has furnished
us with a Life (in Greek) of ??? ???????
"?????? (Sir Henry Havelock), in which we
are informed that the hero was born at
???????????????? (Bishop Wearmouth), and in this
Life we meet with the names of certain other
great men—to wit, ????????? (Washington),
?????? (Nelson) and ????????? (Wellington).
The proper names are of course the great difficulty,
and the names of places are sometimes
almost unintelligible; and the unintelligibility is
increased by the uncertainty that appears to exist
as yet with respect to the manner of rendering
certain combinations of letters: for instance,
we find Manchester written in three distinct
fashions, ?????????, ??????????, and ??????????—??
being the orthodox equivalent in modern
Greek for tch or ch. H is usually represented
by X, so that we get the following grotesque-
looking words to represent the names of
our principal manufacturing towns: ??????TEP,
BPA??OP?, AHH??, XO?EP???A?,
XA???A?, PO??EH?, AE??TEP, NOT??????,
The inhabitants will perhaps think it very
hard to be misrepresented to the world in this
way; and poor ?eta is made to do more work
than ought to be expected of him. He repre-
sents, it will be observed, B and V and W,
whereas his only legitimate function is to
discharge the simple duties of V; B we have
hitherto been accustomed to see transmogrified
into ???; and W invariably resolved into O?.
It may be that the British Star, as it gains
in brilliancy (unless it be a meteor, destined
to sudden extinction), will reveal to its writers
some plain way of extricating themselves
from their embarrassing position, and
establishing a method of exchange between the
letters which shall relieve not only the
hardworked Beta, but his brother in affliction Delta.
For in modern Greek the proper sound of ?
is the th in the; and the Modern Greeks have
no sound d except under peculiar circumstances,
as when ? follows ?: thus they pronounce ????,
It is not our intention to write an Essay upon
the modern Greek language, we wish simply
to point out to all whom it may concern, that
an effort is now being made to reintroduce into
Europe, in the purest state compatible with
inevitable changes in the world, a language which
is not only in general use in the East as the
medium of commercial intercourse, but the
daily language of society amongst a colony of
people established in the heart of our own
country; that this language, so far as its general
structure and actual words go, is taught in
all our public schools and universities, and yet
is seldom pursued in after life by any English
scholar; and that this language must possess
to a great extent the elements of vitality, when
it can express in words formed after the analogy
of the ancient Greek nearly everything
connected with the social life, arts, science, and
commerce of the nineteenth century. We
cannot quite agree with one of the enthusiastic
speakers at the London Tavern, who was of
opinion that had the Greeks been represented
by their own organ, had the British Star, in fact,
existed at the time of those disturbances which
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