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"Not at home, sir. Left last week."

"For long?"

"I don't rightly know, sir. But he won't be
back this week, I don't think."

"Perhaps," stammered Alfred, " the ladies
Mrs. Doddmight be able to tell me."

"Oh yes, sir. But my mistress she's in London
just now."

Alfred's eyes flashed. "Could I learn from
Miss Dodd?"

"La, sir, she is in London along with her ma;
why, 'tis for her they are gone; to insult the
great doctors."

He started. "She is not ill? Nothing serious?"

"Well, sir, we do hope not; she is pining a
bit, as young ladies will."

Alfred was anything but consoled by this
offhand account; he became alarmed, and looked
wretched. Seeing him so perturbed, Sarah, who
was blunt but good natured, added, " But cook
she says hard work would cure' our Miss of all
she ails."

"Cook is an unfeeling wretch," replied Alfred.

"Bless your heart, it belongs to her place, or
how could she skin them rabbits? ha! ha!
Who shall I say was asking for her? for my work
is a bit behindhand."

Alfred took the hint reluctantly, and drew out
his card-case, saying, " For Mr. Edward Dodd."
She gave her clean but wettish hand a hasty wipe
with her apron, and took the card; he retired,
she stood on the step and watched him out of
sight, said "Oho!," and took his card to the
kitchen for preliminary inspection and discussion.

Alfred Hardie was resolute, but sensitive. He
had come on the wings of Love and Hope; he
went away heavily: a housemaid's tongue had
shod his elastic feet with lead in a moment; of
all misfortunes sickness was what he had not
anticipated, for she looked immortal. Perhaps
it was that fair and treacherous disease,
consumption. Well, if it was, he would love her all
the more, would wed her as soon as he was of
age, and carry her to some soft Southern clime,
and keep each noxious air at bay, and prolong
her life, perhaps save it.

And now he began to chafe at the social
cobwebs that kept him from her. But, just as his
impatience was about to launch him into imprudence,
he was saved by a genuine descendant of
Adam. James Maxley kept Mr. Hardie's little
pleasaunce trim as trim could be, by yearly contract.
This entailed short but frequent visits;
and Alfred often talked with him: for the man
was really a bit of a character; had a shrewd
rustic wit, and a ready tongue, was rather too
fond of law, and much too fond of money; but
scrupulously honest: head as long as Cudworth's,
but broader; and could not read a line. One
day he told Alfred that he must knock off now,
and take a look in at Albion Villee; the captain
was due; and on no account would he, Maxley,
allow that there ragged box round the captain's
quarter-deck; "that is how he do name their
little mossel of a lawn: and there he walks for a
wager, athirt and across, across and athirt, five
steps and then about; and I'd a'most bet ye a
halfpenny he thinks hisself on the salt sea ocean,
bless his silly old heart."

All this time Alfred, after the first start of
joyful surprise, was secretly thanking his stars
for sending him an instrument. To learn whether
she had returned, he asked Maxley whether the
ladies had sent for him.

"Not they," said Maxley, rather contemptuously;
"what do women-folk care about a
border, without 'tis a lace one to their nightcaps;
for none but the devil to see. Not as I have
ought to say again the pair; they keep their turf
tidyishand pay ready moneyand a few flowers
in their pots; but the rest may shift for itself.
Ye see, Master Alfred," explained Maxley,
wagging his head wisely, " nobody's pride can be everywhere;
now theirs is in-a-doors; their with-
drawing-room it's like the Queen's palace, my
missus tells me; she is wrapped up in 'em, ye
know. But the captain for my money."

The sage shouldered his tools and departed.
But he left a good hint behind him. Alfred
hovered about the back door next day till he
caught Mrs. Maxley; she supplied the house
with eggs and vegetables. " Could she tell him
whether his friend Edward Dodd was likely to
come home soon?" She thought not; he was
gone away to study, " He hasn't much headpiece,
you know, not like what Miss Julia have.