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(for he was a wretched hand at a fib), "he
saw him not a fortnight ago, on board ship. But
that is not all, mamma, the sailor says he has his

Mrs. Dodd sank on her knees, and said no
word to man, but many to the giver of all good.
When she arose she said to Alfred, "Bring this
sailor to me. I must speak with him directly."

Alfred coloured. "I don't know where to
find him just now."

"Oh, indeed," said Mrs. Dodd quietly: and
this excited her suspicion; and from that
moment the cunning creature lay in wait for
Master Alfred. She plied him with questions,
and he got more and more puzzled how to
sustain his story. At last, by way of bursting
out of his own net, he said, "But I am sorry to
say his hair has turned white. But perhaps you
won't mind that."

"And he hadn't a grey hair."

"It is not grey, like the doctor's; it is white as
the driven snow."

Mrs. Dodd sighed; then suddenly turning on
Alfred, asked him, "Did the sailor tell you that?"

He hesitated a moment and was lost.

"You have seen him," she screamed; "he is
in London: he is in the house. I feel him near
me: " and she went into something very like
hysterics. Alfred was alarmed, and whispered the
truth. The doctor sent him off to meet them, and
recommended caution; her nerves were in such
state a violent shock, even of happiness, might
kill her.

Thus warned, Julia came into the room alone,
and while Dr. Sampson was inculcating self-restraint
for her own sake, she listened with a
superior smile, and took quite a different line.
"Mamma," said she, "he is in the town: but I
dare not bring him here till you are composed:
his reason is restored; but his nerves are not so
strong as they were; now, if you agitate yourself
you will agitate him, and will do him a
serious mischief."

This crafty speech produced an incredible
effect on Mrs. Dodd. It calmed her directly:
or rather her great love gave her strength to be
calm. "I will not be such a wretch," she said.
"See, I am composed, quite composed. Bring
me my darling, and you shall see how good I
will be: there now, Julia, see how calm I am,
quite calm. What, have I borne so much misery,
with Heaven's help, and do you think I cannot
bear this great happiness, for my dear darling's

On this they proposed she should retire to her
room, and they would go for David.

"Think over the meeting, dear, dear mamma,"
said Julia, "and then you will behave well for
his sake, who was lost to us and is found."

Husband and wife met alone in Mrs. Dodd's
room. No eye, even of the children, ventured to
witness a scene so strange, so sacred. We may
try and imagine that meeting; but few of us
can conceive it by the light of our narrow
experience. Yet one or two there may be; the
world is so wide, and the adventures and emotions
of our race so many.

One by one all were had up to that sacred
room to talk to the happy pair. They found
David seated calmly at his wife's feet, her soft
hand laid on his white hair, lest he should leave
her again: and they told him all the sorrow
behind them; and he genial, and kindly as ever,
told them all the happiness before them. He
spoke like the master of the house, the father of
the family, the friend of them all.

But with all his goodness he was sternly
resolved to have his £14,000 out of Richard
Hardie. He had an interview with Mr. Compton
that very night, and the lawyer wrote a letter to
Mr. Hardie, saying nothing about the death of
Skinner, but saying that his client, Captain Dodd,
had recovered from Noah Skinner the receipt No.
17 for £14, 010. 12s. 6d., and he was instructed to
sue for it unless repaid immediately. He added
Captain Dodd was mercifully restored, and
remembered distinctly every particular of the

They all thought in their innocence that
Hardie v. Hardie was now at an end. Captain
Dodd could prove Alfred's soi-disant illusion to
be the simple truth. But Compton let them
know that this evidence had come too late.
"What, may we not get up and say here is papa,
and it is all true?" cried Julia, indignant.

"No, Miss Dodd, certainly not; our case is

"But suppose I insist on doing it?"

"Then you will be put out of court, Miss

"Much I care, Mr. Compton."

He smiled, but convinced them.

Well then they would all go as spectators, and
pray that justice might prevail.

They did go: and all sat together to hear a
matter puzzled over, which had David come one
day earlier he would have set at rest for ever.

Dick Absolom was put in to prove that Alfred
had put two sovereigns on the stumps for him to
bowl if he could; and after him the defendant, Mr.
Thomas Hardie, a mild, benevolent, weak, gentleman
was put into the box, and swore the boy's
father had come to him with story after story
of the plantiff's madness, and the trouble it
would get him into: and so he had done for the
best. His simplicity was manifest, and Saunders
worked it ably. When Colt got hold of him, and
badgered him, he showed something more than
simplicity. He stuttered, he contradicted
himself, he perspired, he all but wept:

Colt.— Are you sure you had no spite against


Colt.—You are not sure, eh?

This candid interpretation of his words knocked
him stupid. He made no reply, but looked
utterly flabbergasted.

Colt.—Did he not provoke you? Did he not
call you an idiot?