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says "He says the building was repaired in
seventeen hundred and four, Gran."

Wherever that prowling young man formed
his prowling habits I cannot be expected to
know, but the way in which he went round the
corner while we had our breakfasts and was
there again when we swallowed the last crumb
was most marvellous, and just the same at dinner
and at night, prowling equally at the theatre
and the inn gateway and the shop-doors when
we bought a trifle or two and everywhere else
but troubled with a tendency to spit. And of
Paris I can tell you no more my dear than that
it's town and country both in one, and carved
stone and long streets of high houses and
gardens and fountains and statues and trees and
gold, and immensely big soldiers and immensely
little soldiers and the pleasantest nurses with
the whitest caps a playing at skipping-rope with
the bunchiest babies in the flattest caps, and
clean tablecloths spread everywhere for dinner
and people sitting out of doors smoking and
sipping all day long and little plays being acted
in the open air for little people and every shop a
complete and elegant room, and everybody
seeming to play at everything in this world.
And as to the sparkling lights my dear after
dark, glittering high up and low down and on
before and on behind and all round, and the crowd
of theatres and the crowd of people and the
crowd of all sorts, it's pure enchantment. And
pretty well the only thing that grated on me
was that whether you pay your fare at the
railway or whether you change your money at a
money-dealer's or whether you take your ticket
at the theatre, the lady or gentleman is caged
up (I suppose by Government) behind the
strongest iron bars having more of a Zoological
appearance than a free country.

Well to be sure when I did after all get my
precious bones to bed that night, and my Young
Rogue came in to kiss me and asks "What do
you think of this lovely lovely Paris, Gran?" I
says "Jemmy I feel as if it was beautiful fireworks
being let off in my head." And very cool
and refreshing the pleasant country was next
day when we went on to look after my Legacy,
and rested me much and did me a deal of good.

So at length and at last my dear we come to
Sens, a pretty little town with a great
two-towered cathedral and the rooks flying in and
out of the loopholes and another tower atop of
one of the towers like a sort of a stone pulpit.
In which pulpit with the birds skimming below
him if you'll believe me, I saw a speck while I
was resting at the inn before dinner which
they made signs to me was Jemmy and which
really was. I had been a fancying as I sat in
the balcony of the hotel that an Angel might
light there and call down to the people to be
good, but I little thought what Jemmy all
unknown to himself was a calling down from that
high place to some one in the town.

The pleasantest-situated inn my dear! Right
under the two towers, with their shadows a
changing upon it all day like a kind of a
sundial, and country people driving in and out of
the court-yard in carts and hooded cabriolets and
such-like, and a market outside in front of the
cathedral, and all so quaint and like a picter.
The Major and me agreed that whatever came
of my Legacy this was the place to stay in for
our holiday, and we also agreed that our dear
boy had best not be checked in his joy that night
by the sight of the Englishman if he was still
alive, but that we would go together and alone.
For you are to understand that the Major not
feeling himself quite equal in his wind to the
heighth to which Jemmy had climbed, had come
back to me and left him with the Guide.

So after dinner when Jemmy had set off to
see the river, the Major went down to the
Mairie, and presently came back with a military
character in a sword and spurs and a cocked-hat
and a yellow shoulder-belt and long tags about
him that he must have found inconvenient. And
the Major says "The Englishman still lies in the
same state dearest madam. This gentleman
will conduct us to his lodging." Upon which
the military character pulled off his cocked-hat
to me, and I took notice that he had shaved his
forehead in imitation of Napoleon Bonaparte but
not like.

We went out at the court-yard gate and past
the great doors of the cathedral and down a
narrow High Street where the people were sitting
chatting at their shop-doors and the children
were at play. The military character went in
front and he stopped at a pork-shop with a little
statue of a pig sitting up, in the window, and a
private door that a donkey was looking out of.

When the donkey saw the military character
he came slipping out on the pavement to turn
round and then clattered along the passage into
a back-yard. So the coast being clear, the Major
and me were conducted up the common stair
and into the front room on the second, a bare
room with a red tiled floor and the outside
lattice blinds pulled close to darken it. As the
military character opened the blinds I saw the
tower where I had seen Jemmy, darkening as
the sun got low, and I turned to the bed by the
wall and saw the Englishman.

It was some kind of brain fever he had had,
and his hair was all gone, and some wetted folded
linen lay upon his head. I looked at him very
attentive as he lay there all wasted away with
his eyes closed, and I says to the Major

"I never saw this face before."

The Major looked at him very attentive too,
and he says

"I never saw this face before."

When the Major explained our words to the
military character, that gentleman shrugged his
shoulders and showed the Major the card on
which it was written about the Legacy for me.
It had been written with a weak and trembling
hand in bed, and I knew no more of the writing
than of the face. Neither did the Major.

Though lying there alone, the poor creetur
was as well taken care of as could be hoped, and
would have been quite unconscious of any one's
sitting by him then. I got the Major to say that
we were not going away at present and that I