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From the Gazette of April 29F. S. A. FRANCE, Lambeth
Walk, clothier.—J. C. RIDGE, Great St. Helen's, wine-merchant.

C. HOLTHOUSE, Great Tower- street, sugar-broker.—J.BULLOCK,
Bristol, innholder.—J. HILL, Saltash, miller.—J. TAYLOR,
Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner.—J. SMITH, Lincoln,
joiner.—J. EMERY, Preston, innkeeper.

May 2. W. BURROWS, Park-street, Islington, surgeonJ.
WOODIN, Matilda-street, Islington, upholsterer.—R. SHEPPARD,
Norwich, commission-agent.—W. JACKSON, Orchard-Street,
Portman-square, painter.—W. ARTLEY, North Burton, Yorkshire,
miller.—W. B. HARRISON, Chorlton-upon-Medlock. bleacher.—
R. E. RAWLE, Bristol, wine-merchants.—J. McMURRAY,
Liverpool, merchant.

May 6. R. EDWARDS, Sudbury, linendraper.—W. L. MARTIN,
Gravesend, ironmonger.—G. WHEELER, Richmond, grocer.—S.
COCKERILL, Northampton, draper.—J. EVETT, Shifnal, apothecary.
T. PEARSON, Plympton St. Mary, merchant.—F. FARRAND,
Almondbury, fancy-cloth manufacturer.

May 9. R. GUDGIN, Cople, Bedfordshire, victualler.—J. W.
CREED, Tilbury Fort, innkeeper.—J. MOORES, jun., Aylesbury,
draper.—C. SALTER and R. M. EVANS, Upper King-street,
Bloomsbury, tailors.—A. DIETRICH, Bennett-street, Stamford-
street, hat-manufacturer.—F. W.FROGGETT and J. VAN PUTTEN,
Mark-lane, corn-merchants.—D. KIRBY, Brackley, Northamptonshire,
linendraper.—R. GOLDER. Folkstone, miller.—C. T. S.
DEVEY, Woburn, auctioneer.—T. BAGG, Birmingham, victualler.
I. HARPER, Dudley, builder.—J. MERRELL, Holy Cross,
Worcestershire, cattle-dealer.—W. GRAY, Sunderland, draper.

May 13. A. WOODS, Great Yarmouth, money-scrivener.—J.
HETHERINGTON, High Holborn, grocer.—J. HARRIS, Buckingham,
bootmaker.—D. MAGRATH, George's-row, City-road, colour-
manufacturer.—T. H. BUTLER, Lichfield, ironmonger.—J.
BANNISTER, Birmingham, general hardware dealer.—C. LAWES,
Chippenham, innkeeper.—J. RADLEY, Oldham, cotton-spinner.

May 16. J. CERRITO, Mincing-lane, merchant.—S. GRINSTED,
Brighton, victualler.—J. CLARK. Clarence-place, Camberwell,
auctioneer.—A. TARRANT, High Holborn, bookbinder.—W. H.
AYLES, Rickmansworth, builder.—G. DODSON, Neath, Glamorgan-
shire, painter.—C. BOND, Tiverton, tanner.—A. Y. BARRETT,
Horncastle, Lincolnshire, engineer.—J. HOLDEN, Salford,

May 20. W. PAGE, Great Yarmouth, grocer, to surrender.—
J. CASSAIGNE, Salisbury-street, Strand, wine-merchant.—J. F.
FREAKE, Hampstead-street, Fitzroy-square, victualler.—D.
GIDEON, Minories, clothierJ. E. DOWSON, Oxford-street,
ironmonger.—J. E. M'CABE, Parliament-street, lithographic-printer.
C. BOND, Bath, tanner.—R. and F. R. HAZARD, Bristol,
victuallers.—R. BRISCOE, Liverpool, draper.—H. JONES, Gaerwen,
Anglesea, ironmonger.—J. M'NAMEE, Manchester, chemist.
T. STORER DOBINSON, Tynemouth, banker. .

May 23. J. HUCKS, Mill-pond-bridge, Rotherhithe, cooper.—
J. BAVIN, Wisbeach, draper.—S. E. R. JONES, Wrockwardine,
Shropshire, apothecary.—G. MACHIN, Dudley, spade-manufacturer.
J. WILKINSON, Nottingham, brace-manufacturer.—E.
W. REILLY, Bath, livery-stablekeeperW. G. H. TAUNTON,
Liverpool, civil-engineer.

May 27. DAVID BURBERRY, Newdigate, Surrey, wood-dealer.
CHARLES CHAPLIN, Sudbury, Suffolk, printer.—JAMES COBB,
Preston, Lancashire, innkeeper.—ROBERT CRAIG, Brynmawr,
Breconshire, draper.—WALTER LONG BOZZI GRANVILLE, Red
Lion Square, agricultural implement maker.—RICHARD MOORE,
Sun Tavern Fields, St. George's-in-the-East, and Ashchurch
Villas, Hammersmith, commission-agent.—FREDERICK RODBARD,
Croydon, Surrey, schoolmaster.—WILLIAM WATSON, Salisbury-
court, City, licensed victualler.


May 9.—T. BONSOR, Newgate-market, meat-salesman.
May 15.—RICHARD ELLIS, Richmond-street, Soho, carpenter.
May 23.—T. BAGG, Aston, Warwickshire, publican.
May 24.—RICHARD JACKSON, Selby, Yorkshire, tanner.


The variations in the money-market have been too slight
during the past month to call for any special remark. The
natural re-action in the Railway market, consequent upon the
speculation of the previous month, brought down prices, but
they recovered towards the end of the month.

Three per Cent. Consols . . .98963/498
Three per Cent. Reduced . . .
Three and a quarter per Cents .981/3961/2981/8
Long Annuities. Jan. 1860 . . .73/875/1675/16

Bank Stock . . .

India Stock . . .
Exchequer Bills . . .54s.prm.44s.prm.44s.prm.

India Bonds . . .



Brazilian Bonds, 881/4New York(1858) 5 per cent, 96
Chilian 6 per cent.,Peruvian 5 per cent., 82
Danish 3 per cent, 761/2  "   (Deferred) 41/2 p. ct., 391/2
Dutch 21/2 pr. cent, 12 guild. 591/4Portugese 5 per cent., 89
French 3 per cent,    f.      c.Russian 41/2 per cent. 995/8
   "       5    "              f.       c.Spanish 5 per cent. acct. 195/8
Mexican, 5 per cent, 35Venezuela Active 331/4





100Brighton and South Coast989396


20Eastern Counties77/863/47
50Edinburgh and Glasgow3633353/4
allGreat Northern187/818181/2
100Great Western89861/2881/2
50Hull and Selby1021013/4102
100Lancashire and Yorkshire573/8645/8575/8
100London & North Western1301/41217/81237/8
25North British101/881/883/8
30South Eastern and Dover283/8241/8243/4
100South Western918184
25York,Newc.and Berwick22201/2203/4

York and North Midland



Boulogne and Amiens 93/8

Paris and Rouen 241/2
East Indian 162/8Paris and Strasbourg 103/8
Namur and Liege 71/4Rouen and Havre 91/2
Northern France 143/4Tours and Nantes 53/4

CORN MARKET—London weekly averages.

Wheat, per qr., 38s. 10d.; Barley, 24s. 3d.; Oats, 18s. 1d.; Rye,
24s. 7d.; Beans, 27s. 5d.; Peas, 25s. 10d.; Flour (town made),
delivered, 37s. to 42s.; American barrel of 280 lbs., 22s. to 23s.

PROVISIONS—latest wholesale prices.

Bacon, per cwt., Waterford, 50s.
to 54s.; Belfast, 44s. to 45s.

Beef, per 8 lbs., mid. to prime,
2s. 2d. to 3s. 4d.

Butter, per cwt.—Carlow,
4th, 60s.; Waterford, 1st,
74s. to 76s.; Dutch Friesland,
71s. &72s.; Limerick,
72s. to 74s.

Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 42s.
to 70s.; Wiltshire, Double,
40s. to 53s.; Dutch, New
Gouda, 29s.; American, 34s.

Eggs, per 120, French, 4s. 3d. to
5s. 3d.

Hams, per cwt.—York or Cumberland,
60s. to 76s.; Irish,
68s.; Westphalia, 48s. to

Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid. to
prime, 3s. 4d. to 3s. 10d.

Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
Essex Shaws, 60s. to 70s.;
Kent and Essex Middling,
55s. to 70s.; Chats, 31s. to

Pork, per cwt. 65s. to 67s. 6d.

Veal, per 8 lbs., 3s. 2d. to 3s. 10d.

GROCERY—latest wholesale prices.

Cocoa, per cwt. Ord. to good
red Trinidad, 34s. to 64s.;
Brazil, 26s. to 30s.

Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.,
native Ceylon, 39s. to 76s.;
Mocha, 38s. to 70s.;
Plantation, 44s. to 54s.; Java,
40s. to 52s.

Rice, per cwt.—Bengal mid. to
fine white, 8s. 6d. to 11s.;
Madras, 7s. to 9s.; Patna,
11s. to 17s.

Sugar, per cwt.—Loaves brown,
48s. to 48s. 6d.; British West
India, good grocery, 36s.
to 42s.; Mauritius, brown,
27s. to 42s.; Brazil, do. 32s.
to 44s.

Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d.),—
Ord. Congou, 111/2d.to 1s.8d.;
Souchong, common to fine,
111/2d. to 2s. 8d.; ord. to fine
Hyson, 1s. 2d. to 3s. 9d.;
Imperial, 1s. to 2s. 6d.

Candles, per 12 lbs. 4s. 6d. to 5s 6d.

Coals, per ton, 15s. 6d.


Pale Seal, per 252 gals., £33Palm, per ton, £29 to £30
Sperm, £86 to £87Olive, Gallipoli, £41

Cod, £37 10s.

Linseed, £31 6s.