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From the Gazette of June 3.—S. G. QUARTERMAINE, Eaton
Mews, West Pimlico, horse-dealer.—E. PEPPER, Threadneedle-
street, victualler.—J. HARVEY, Gravesend, timber-merchant.—
R. C. PAULING, Great Percy-street, Pentonville, railway-contractor.
—G. J. WEBB, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, coal-merchant.
—W. HAMLEY, Clifton, builder.—H. COATES, Birmingham,
draper.—B. THOMPSON, Derby, woollen-draper.—T. SLATER and
J. PATON, Salford, cotton-spinners.—D. JOHNSTONE, Manchester,
Innkeeper.—E. NICHOLSON, York, tailor.

June 6th. A. BURN, Sackville-street, tailor.—E. LEECH,
Chichester, apothecary.—J. HINES, Warwick, grocer.—H. BLACK,
Nottingham, lace-manufacturer.—J. JACKSON, Scarborough, silver-
smith.—J. GREENHALGH, Radcliffe-bridge, Lancashire, draper.

June 10th. W. SMITH, West Hill Grove, Wandsworth-road,
timber-dealer.—S. RATCLIFFE, Aldham, miller.—H. MARTEN,
Lewes, draper.—J. DUMMELOW, Fenchurch-street, broker.—L.
D. SMITH, Little Knight Rider-street, calenderer.—W. GLAZIER,
Bristol, grocer.—J. T. HALL, Northwich, bookseller.—S. and J.
HEY, Colne, Lancashire, manufacturers.

June 13th. S. RATLIFF, (and not RATCLIFFE, as before
advertised,) Aldham, Suffolk, miller.—C. MOODY, Goswell-road,
butcher.—J. M. WOOD, Barbican, victualler.—J. WALTERS,
Great Rider-street, victualler.—J. MILDRUM, Oakley-terrace,
Chelsea, builder.—J. LATHAM, Howland-street, Fitzroy-square,
pianoforte-manufacturer.—T. FISHER, Gower-street, pianoforte-
manufacturer.—W. CLIPSON, Chester, builder.—B. WHITTAKER
and J. FULLALOVE, Ancoats, Lancashire, manufacturers.

June 17th. H. MILLS, Lynn, glover, to surrender.—M. COMMON,
North Shields, draper.—T. G. PHILLIPS, Newport, Monmouthshire,
Grocer.—S. W. ISHERWOOD, Hull, woollen-draper.—W.H.
EDWARDS, Leeds, hosier.—T. DIXON, Bradford, Yorkshire, iron-

June 20th. J. BARTLETT, Upper Thames-street, wine-merchant.
—J. HUNT, Edgware-road, draper.—J. P. WHITMORE, Hackney,
draper.—J. and G. J. WHITFIELD, Lamb's Conduit-street,
cheesemongers.—T. FITCH, Chester-place, Kennington,
commission-agent.—C. COLLINS, Aldermanbury, carpet-manufacturer.
—T. MILLS, Painswick, Gloucestershire, quarry-master.—
W. WILSON, Bristol, linen-draper.

June 24th. A. PATTEN, horse-dealer, Chapple, Essex.—J.
SOWERBY, silk-mercer, Oxford-street.— W. HANSON, statuary,
Warwick-road, Kensington.—J. BENTON, corn-merchant, White
Horse-street, Stepney.—W. DAVIES, coal-merchant, Walbrook.
—A. B. GRANVILLE, boarding and lodging-house keeper,
Wembly, Middlesex.


June 3rd.—J. WHITE, Birmingham, hay-dealer.

June 17th.—W. C. GAZELEY, Torriano Villas, Kentish-town,


June 20th.—C. LAWES, Chippenham, inn-keeper.


The English stock-market has had little fluctuation during
the month, neither has the business been important. The books
of all the stocks, the dividends upon which become due next
month, have been closed till the 17th of July.

          STOCKS.             Highest.    Lowest.      Latest.   

Three per Cent. Consols      

Three per Cent. Reduced     

Three and a quarter per Cents.

Long Annuities, Jan. 1860

Bank Stock

Exchequer Bills

India Bonds £100























Brazillian 5 per cents., 871/2

Buenos Ayres 6 per cent., 56

Danish 5 per cent., 1031/4

Dutch 4 p.c. certificates, 911/2

Mexican Bonds, 34{3/8)    

    Peruvian 5 per cent., 871/2

    Portuguese 4 per cent., 331/2

    Russian 41/2 per cent., 1023/8

    Spanish Passive Bonds, 57/8

    Do. 3 per cent., 407/8

Paid    Railways   Highest     Lowest     Latest    
100 Brighton and South Coast....    96    941/4   941/4
all Blackwall   .   .  .  .   .   .   .      8     67/8    67/8
50 Caledonian   .   .  .   .   .   .    135/8    121/8   121/8
20 Eastern Counties  .   .   .   .      65/8      6     6
50 Edinburgh and Glasgow  .  .    30     28    28
all Great Northern     .   .   .    173/8     173/8    173/8
100 Great Western     .   .   .    855/8     83    83
50 Hull and Selby     .   .   .   1021/2   1021/2  1021/2
100 Lancashire and Yorkshire .     56     511/2    511/2
100 London and North Western .   1241/4   1211/2  1211/2
100 Midland    533/4     451/2    451/2
25 North British     73/4       63/8      63/8
30 South Eastern and Dover   237/8      221/8     221/8
100 South Western   831/2      811/2     811/2
25 York, Newc., and Berwick   201/8      185/8     185/8
50 York and North Midland   221/2      193/8     193/8


Boulogne and Amiens 9                

East Indian, 21/2

Namur and Liege, 61/2

Northern of France, 151/4

Paris and Rouen, 253/4

Paris and Strasbourg, 105/8

Rouen and Havre, 93/4

Tours and Nantes, 6{7/8)


Wheat, per qr., 39s. 11d.; Barley, 24s. 6d.; Oats, 20s. Id.; Rye,
26s. 1d.; Beans, 30s. 10d.; Peas, 28s. 6d.; Flour (town made),
delivered, 37s. to 42s.; American barrel of 280 lbs., 20s. to 24s.


Bacon, per cwt., Waterford, 46s
    to 56s.; Belfast, 43s. to 46s.

Beef, per 8lbs., mid. to prime,
   2s. 2d. to 3s. 4d

Butter, per cwt.—Cork, 3rd and
   4th, 70s. Waterford, 1st, 66s.

Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 42s.
   to 70s.; Wiltshire, Double,
   40s. to 53s.; Dutch, New
   Gouda, 30s.; American, 30s.

Eggs, per120, French, 4s. 3d. to
   5s. 0d

    Hams, per cwt.—York or
    Cumberland, 60s., Irish,
    68s.; Westphalia, 49s to

    Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid. to
    prime, 2s. 8d. to 4s.

   Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and 
   Essex Shaws, 60s. to 72s.;
   Kent and Essex Middling,
   55s. to 70s.; Chats, 31s. to

   Pork, 8lbs., 2s. 8d. to 4 s.

   Veal, per 8lbs., 2s. 8d. to 3s. 10d.


Cocoa, per cwt.—Ord. to good    
   red Trinidad, 34s. to 46s.;
   Brazil, 26s. to 30s.

Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.,  
   native Ceylon, 37s. to 78s.;
   Mocha, 36s to 72s.; Sumatra,
   34s. to 37s.; Java,
   37s. to 51s.

Rice, per cwt.—Bengal fine
   white, 8s. 6d. to 11s.;
   Madras,  7s.  to 9s.; Patna
   cleaned, 11s. to 17s. 

Sugar, per cwt.—Loaves brown
   47s. to 52s.; British West 
   India, good grocery, 35s.
   to 42s.; Mauritius, brown
   27s. to 41s; Brazil, do. 32s.
   to 44s.

Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d. and
   5 per cent.),—Ord. to Good
   Congou, 101/2d. to 1s 8d.
   Souchong, common to fine
   91/2d. to 2s. 6d.; ord. to fine
   Hyson, 1s. 2d. to 3s.;
   Imperial, 1s. to 2s. 6d


Candles, per 12lbs. 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d.  |   Coals, per ton, 14s. 6d.


Pale Seal, per 252 gals., £31   

Sperm, £84 to £87 

Cod, £38

  Palm, per ton, £28

  Olive, Gallipoli, £40

  Linseed, £32 to £32 10s.