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From the Gazette of Sept. 2nd. W. JAMES and C. PAXMAN,
Hare-street, Bethnal-green, silk-dyers.—J. and T. Y. WALL,
Chatham, brewers.—H. A. NEWMAN, Jewry-street, clothier.—
W. STRANGE, jun., Paternoster-row, bookseller.—D. BONNET,
Mark-lane, wine-merchant.—W. H. LUCKINS, Kennington-row,
coach-maker.—R. THORPE, Stafford, last-manufacturer.—J.
PHILLIPS, Longton, grocer.—T. WEBB, Stourbridge, clothier.—
J. MIDGLEY, Hull, carpenter.—M. PATTISON, South-shields,

Sept. 5th. J. VALENTINE, Northampton, tea-dealer.—J.
BRUDENELL, Windsor, brewer.—T. E. NEWSTEAD, Norwich, draper.
F. WINDLE and H. M. SHAW, Liverpool, drapers.—R. N.
FORSYTH, Birmingham, victualler.—J. L. MUMFORD, Stoke-
Gabriel, Devonshire, miller.—J. FORMAN and R. FROW, Hull,

Sept. 9th. T. HARRISON, Addle-street, agent.—E. SHEFFIELD,
Tomlin-terrace, Poplar, builder.—H. G. WOOLCOT, Everitt-
street, Russell-square, fringe-manufacturer.—J. R. TAYLOR,
Chancery-lane, stationer.—J. LANE, High-street, Marylebone,
tailor.—W. H. OSBORN, Edbury-street, Pimlico, wine-merchant.
J. WATSON, Skipton, linen-draper.—J. C. HOLT, Halifax,
innkeeper.—J. FORMAN and R. FROW, Hull, joiners.—T.
MILWARD, Gower-street, miller.—G. N. MANZAVINO, Manchester,
merchant.—G. D. ROBINSON, Manchester, coach-builder.—J.
LILLEY and A. ASHMALL, Liverpool, merchants.

Sept. 12th. D. FRENCH and A. SANDS. Coal-exchange, coal-
factors.—S. CANNOCK, jun., Kent-terrace, Camden-town, tobacconist.
E. LACEY, Birmingham, glass-dealer.—M. LISTER, Painswick,
clothier.—J. BEACH, Bradford, Yorkshire, apothecary.—
T. HURST, Warrington, printer.—S. WALKER, Little-lever,
Lancashire, dyer.

Sept. 16th. J. COOK, Assembly-row, Mile-end-road, builder.—
E. and H. MARTYN, Aldgate-high-street, woollen-drapers.—R.
and P. ISEMONGER, Littlehampton, merchants.—E. SOLOMON,
Haydon-square, jeweller.—J. S. MARYGOLD, Tipton, provision-
dealer.—W. BELL, Abergavenny, pianoforte-dealer.—J. THOMPSON,
Leeds, glass-dealer.

Sept. 19th. E. U. SPASHETT, Barking, mast-maker.—A.
CLARK, Bear-gardens, Southwark, plumber.—J. WESTLEY,
Playhouse-yard, bookbinder.—W. COLEMAN, Coventry, chemist.
W. H.and A. SIMMONS, Bristol, tailors.—J.COLLINS, Clitheroe,

Sept. 26th. F. W. MACANDREW, Mill-wall, Poplar, brewer.—
T. EASON, Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Kent, brewer.—J. FAIRMAN,
Great-St.-Helens, City, commission-agent.—T. WARD,
Bond-court, Walbrook, City, wine-merchant.


Sept. 2nd. J. MACDUFF, Llanelly, auctioneer.

Sept. 4th. H. HAYES, Regent-street, draper.—J. BROWN,
Deal, grocer.

Sept. 12th. H. G. HARRISON, Hoxton-old-town, wheelwright.

Sept. 16th. G. BUTCHER, Holborn-hill, china-dealer.

Sept. 26th. W. SMITH, Westhill-grove, Wandsworth-road,
Surrey, timber-dealer.


The unfavourable intelligence from the Cape of Good Hope
operated prejudicially in the Stock Market, and it still continues
to be heavy. The Foregn Funds have all declined also, but
slightly. The Share Market has on the whole been firm.

       STOCKSHighest.     Lowest.      Latest.        
Three per Cent Consols  96{1/2]  953/4  961/2
Three per Cent Reduced  971/8  951/8  951/2
Three and a quarter per Cents.  987/8  983/4  987/8
Long Annuities, Jan. 1860  73/8  73/16  73/16
Bank Stock, 7 per cent  214  2153/4  2153/4
India Stock, ex. div.  262  260  260
Exchequer Bills  48  44  46
India Bonds £1000  52s. prm  42s. prm  47s. prm


Brazilian 5 per cent., 913/4
Buenos Ayres 6 per cent., 56
Danish 5 per cent., 1041/2
Dutch 4 p.c. certificates, 923/8
Mexican 5 per cent., 261/4
Peruvian 5 per cent., 901/4
Portuguese 4 per cent., 341/4
Russian 41/2 per cent., 102
Spanish 5 per cent., acc, 201/2

Paid.    RAILWAYS                          Highest.   Lowest.   Latest.
100Brighton and South Coast 931/2  903/4  921/2
allBlackwall  67/8  61/2  67/8
50Caledonian  113/4  97/8  113/4
20Eastern Counties  6  51/4  6
50Edinburgh and Glasgow  28  28  28
allGreat Northern  16  153/4  16
100Great Western  791/2  765/8  791/2
50Hull and Selby  101  101  101
100Lancashire and Yorkshire     541/2  483/4  541/2
100London & North-Western  115  113  115
100Midland  46  427/8  46
25North British  57/8  53/8  57/8
30South-Eastern and Dover  193/4  185/8    191/8
100South-Western  801/8  791/2  801/2
25York, Newc., and Berwick  181/8  167/8  181/8
50York and North Midland  181/4  171/4  181/4


Boulogne and Amiens, 101/4
East Indian, 21/8 pm.
Namur and Liege, 6
Northern of France, 143/8
Paris and Rouen, 221/8
Paris and Strasbourg, 111/4
Rouen and Havre, 91/8
Tours and Nantes, 91/2 dis.


Wheat, per qr., 37s. 8d.; Oats, 18s. 4d.; Rye, 26s. 2d.; Beans,
28s. 6d.; Peas, 28s. 2d.; Flour (town made), delivered, per 280
lbs., 38s. to 40s.; American, per barrel of 196 lbs., 23s. to 25s.


Bacon, per cwt.—Waterford,
42s. to 60s.; Belfast, 38s. to

Beef, per 8 lbs., mid. to prime,
2s. 4d. to 3s. 2d.

Butter, per cwt.—Carlow, 1st,
74s. to 80s.; Waterford, 1st,
72s. to 76s.; Dutch Friesland,
82s. to 84s.; Limerick,
1st, 68s. to 73s.

Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 50s.
to 54s.; Wiltshire, double,
50s. to 58s.; Dutch, new
Gouda, 26s. to 29s.;
American, 30s. to 34s.

Eggs, per 120, English, 6s. 3d.
to 7s.

Hams, per cwt.—York or
Cumberland, 74s. to 84s.; Irish,
60s. to 68s.; Westphalia,
48s. to 56s.

Mutton, per 8 lbs., 3s. to 4s.

Pork, per 8 lbs., 2s. 8d. to 3s. 6d.;
American, new, per barrel,
46s. to 55s.

Veal, per 8 lbs., 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d.

Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
Essex Ware, 40s. to 70s.;
Kent and Essex Middling,
25s. to 45s.; Chats, 20s. to


Cocoa, per cwt. Ord. to good
red Trinidad, 38s. to 52s.;
Brazil, 26s. to 28s.

Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.,
native Ceylon, 39s. to 40s. 6d.;
Mocha, 78s. to 88s.; St.
Domingo, 38s. to 39s.;
Sumatra, 35s. to 36s.

Rice, per cwt.—Bengal mid. to
fine white, 8s. 6d. to 10s. 6d.;
Madras, 7s. to 9s. 6d.

Sago, per cwt.—Pearl,17s. to 19s.

Sugar, per cwt.—British West
India, 30s. 6d. tc 31s. 6d.;
Mauritius, brown, 26s. to
38s. 6d. Brazil, 27s. to 41s.

Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d.)—Ord.
Congou, 91/4d. to 91/2d.;
Souchong, com. to fine, 10d. to
2s. 6d.; ord. to fine Hyson,
1s. 1d. to 3s.; Imperial, 1s.
to 2s. 6d.

Candles, per 12 lbs. 4s. 6d. to 5s.
Coals, per ton, 15s. 3d. to 15s. 9d.


Pale Seal, per 252 gals., £33 10s.
Sperm, £85 to £87
Cod. £36 10s.
Palm, per ton, £27 to £27 3s.
Olive, Gallipoli, £40 10s. to £41