From the Gazette of January 28.—J. HAYWARD, Oxford-street,
Whitechapel, watchmaker.—R.J. JOHNSON, Woolwich, plumber.
—W. WATERMAN, Sheffield, grocer.—M'DONNELL, Liverpool,
victualler.—S. HAMILTON WATSON and J. KINGSTON, Rochdale,
Lancashire, mercers.—W. THOMPSON, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
January 31. J. TYARS, Padnals Corner, Essex, farmer.—
A. GLASS, Queen's-road, Bayswater, baker.—A. WALKDEN,
Horkstow, Lincolnshire, carrier.—R. N. JONES, Liverpool,
February 4. W. HOOD, Lawrence-lane, commission-agent.—
R. TREDINNICK, Threadneedle-street, mining-agent.—A. EVE,
Charlotte-street, Fitzroy-square, turner.—C. WATT, Southampton-
street, Pentonville, baker.
February 7. J. SKAM, Studley-road, Clapham-road, builder.—
J. S. MARSHALL, Goswell-road, boot-dealer.—A. FRIEDBERG,
Houndsditch, furrier.—J. DIXON, Bately, dyer.—J. WYATT,
junior, sometimes called R. WYATT, Milverton, Somersetshire,
grocer.—J. SHIRT, Frodsham, provision-dealer.
February 11. J. BARUGH, High Holborn, oil-man.—W. L.
WOOD, Charles-street, Drury-lane, piano-forte-maker.—E. BLISS,
Barbican, brush-maker.—R. B. COLTMAN, Regent-street,
milliner.—J. MURRELLS, Colchester, barge-owner.—H. D. STEVENSON,
Bishopwearmouth, merchant.
February 14. F. P. PLATY, Broad Street Buildings, merchant.
— P. WOOTTON, sen., and P. WOOTTON, jun., Margate, grocers.—
J. MANNING, Birmingham, draper.—E. TETLOW, Leeds, inn-
keeper.—H. HUNT, Hull, merchant.—T. BRIGHOUSE, Liverpool,
contractor.—J. WILSON, St. Helen's, chemical-manufacturer.
February 18. J. B. and G. B. COOPER, Drury-lane, iron-
founders.—J. HOLLAND and E. WARDEN, Preston, tallow-
chandlers.—W. NECK, jun., Torre, near Torquay.
February 21. W. C. GAZELEY, Chenies-place, Old-road, St.
Pancras, builder.—W. TENNANT, Chertsey, Surrey, draper.—J.
BISHOP, Piccadilly, laceman.—J. REID, King's-row, Pimlico,
corn-dealer.—G. WOMWELL, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, miller.—
S. KNIGHTLY, Paul-street, Finsbury, carpenter.—The BROMLEY
HILL IRON AND COAL COMPANY, Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.
H. WILLIAMSON, Manchester, manufacturer—R. BOYLE, jun.,
Kingston-upon-HulI, merchant.—G. WOODS, Liverpool, surgeon.
February 25. J. BURRELL, victualler, Blackmore, Essex.—
J. MATTS, ironmonger, Edgeware-road.—C F. THOMAS, ship-
broker, Bristol.
February 4. E. ARMYTAGE, Clifton Bridge, Halifax, cotton-
February 7. BEREND and BLOOMENTHAL, Weymouth-place,
New Kent-road, cigar-merchants.
February 11. G. JOHNSTONE, Newbury, publican.—E. HODGES,
Swinford, surgeon.
February 14. B. HOMAN, Westbourne-terrace, Paddington,
The close of last month, and nearly the whole of this, has
been a dull time on the Stock Exchange. The small majority
on D'lsraeli's motion scarcely ruffled this smooth state of things.
On the 14th, Consols for Money fell no more than from 961/2 to
961/8; but before the close of the business on that day, they rose
again to their former prices. The great majority against
ministers on Locke King's motion, and their actual resignation,
scarcely put life into the pulse of the Money Market;— Consols,
at the opening of business, just touched 957/8, and then rebounded,
on the 24th, to 961/8; which they have since maintained.
Money was so abundant at the beginning of the month, that
2 per cent, per annum was got with difficulty for short loans
on ordinary securities. On the 13th, however, cash became
scarcer, and 4 per cent, was given, the day after, on Consols as
security. The Bank did not alter its rate of discount.
The Foreign Share and Railway Markets have partaken of
the characteristics of the Consol Market. The only event in
the latter worth recording, is the unpleasant announcement of
"no dividend " for the holders of Eastern Counties' shares.
FOREIGN FUNDS— latest prices. Belgian 41/2 per cent., 911/2 New York (1858) 5 per cent., 94 FOREIGN RAILWAYS— latest prices. CORN MARKET—London weekly averages. PROVISIONS—LATEST WHOLESALE PRICES. Bacon, per cwt., Waterford, 40s. Hams, per cwt.—York or GROCERY—LATEST WHOLESALE PRICES Candles, per 12 lbs, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. | Coals per ton, 13s. to 20s. 6d. OILS On the 22nd instant will be ready, price 5s. 6d., neatly boundSTOCKS Highest Lowest Latest Three per Cent. Consols 973/8 957/8 961/8 Three per Cent. Reduced 971/2 967/8 971/8 Three and a quarter per Cents. 99 983/8 983/4 Long Annuities, Jan. 1860 73/4 711/16 711/16 Bank Stock 2151/2 2141/2 2143/4 India Stock 267 263 263 Exchequer Bills 61s. prm. 47s. prm 47s. prm India Bonds 71s. prm 57s. prm 57s. prm
Brazilian 5 per cent., 93
Chilian 3 per cent., 65
Danish 3 per cent., 773/4
Dutch 21/2 pr. cent. 12 guild., 587/8
French 3 per cent., 57 f. 25 c.
" 5 " 94 f. 96 c.
Mexican, 5 per cent., 333/8 ex. d
Pennsylvania 5 per cent., 86
Peruvian 41/2 per cent., 791/4
" (Deferred) 4 p. ct., 36
Portuguese 5 per cent., 871/2
Russian 41/2 per cent., 967/8
Spanish 3 per cent., 38
Venezuela Bonds (Deferred)111/4Paid RAILWAYS Highest Lowest Latest 50 Aberdeen . 131/2 13 131/2 100 Brighton and South Coast 98 943/4 99 118 Blackwall 73/8 7 73/8 100 Bristol and Exeter 89 77 89 50 Caledonian 121/2 101/4 12 20 Eastern Counties 71/4 63/4 63/4 50 Edinburgh and Glasgow 35 243/4 343/4 25 Great Northern 18 177/8 18 100 Great Western, ex. div. 921/2 871/2 911/2 50 Hull and Selby . 104 100 104 100 Lancashire and Yorkshire 581/2 551/4 581/2 100 London & North Western 134 128 134 100 Midland 611/4 541/4 611/4 25 North British 91/8 81/4 91/8 30 South Eastern and Dover 261/8 245/8 261/8 100 South Western 893/8 87 893/8 25 York, Newc, and Berwick 21 185/8 203/4 50 York and North Midland 241/2 243/8 243/8 Boulogne and Amiens, 20 Paris and Rouen, 253/4 ex. d East Indian, 121/8 Paris and Strasbourg, 93/4 Namur and Liege, 81/4 Rouen and Havre, 11 Northern of France, 15 Tours and Nantes, 51/4
Wheat, per qr., 37s. 8d.; Barley, 22s. 11d.; Oats, 16s. 2d.; Rye
24s. 8d.; Beans, 25s. 5d.; Peas, 26s. 10d.; Flour (town made),
delivered, 40s. to 44s.; American barrel of 280 lbs., 22s. to 23s.
to 45s.; Belfast, 37s. to 40s.
Beef, per 8 lbs., mid. to prime,
2s. to 3s. 4d.
Butter, Fresh, per lb., 10d. to
1s.; Carlow, 1st, 90s.;
Waterford, 1st, 72s. to 78s.;
Dutch Friesland, 98s. to
100s.; Limerick, 70s. to 78s
Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 42s.
to 60s.; Wiltshire, Double,
49s. to 58s.; Dutch, New
Gouda,29s.; American, 34s.
Eggs, per 120, English, 4s. to
5s. 6d.
Cumberland, 60s. to 76s.; Irish,
68s.; Westphalia, 48s. to
Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid. to
prime, 2s. 8d. to 4s.
Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
Essex Shaws, 55s. to 75s.;
Kent and Essex Middling,
55s. to 75s.; Chats, 30s. to
Pork, per 8 lbs., 2s. 6d. 4s;
American, New, per barrel,
46s. to 55s.
Veal, per 8 lbs. 3s. 2d. to 4s.Cocoa, per cwt.—Ord. to good
red Trinidad, 47s. to 56s.;
Brazil, 29s. to 31s.
Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.,
Native Ceylon, 46s.; Mocha,
66s. to 80s.; Plantation,
50s. to 57s.; Bahia, 45s.
to 47s.
Rice, per cwt.—Bengal mid. to
fine white, 10s. to 12s.;
Madras, 7s. 6d. to 10s.;
Patna, 11s. to 18s.Sugar, per cwt.—Lumps, 49s.6d.
to 51s. 6d.; British West
India, good grocery, 37s.
to 43s.; Mauritius, brown,
30s. to 43s. 6d.; Brazil, do.
33s. to 44s.
Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d),—
Ord. Congou, 111/4d.;
Souchong, com. to fine, 1s.
to 2s. 8d.; ord. to fine
Hyson, 1s. 2d. to 3s. 9d.;
Imperial, 1s. 2d. to 2s. 8d.Pale Seal, per 252 gals. £33 10s.
Sperm. £84 to £87
Cod, £38Palm, per ton, £29 to £30
Olive, Gallipoli, £44
Linseed, £33 6s.
in cloth,
Containing from No. 27 to No. 52, both inclusive.
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