From the Gazette of April 1st.—G. T. MINOR, Mount-street,
Lambeth, linen draper, to surrender.—J. COLE, Hampton Court, victualler.
—E. HARRATT and J. BLAND, Huntingdon, builders.—C.MAY
and Co., Great Yarmouth, soap-manufacturers.—T. CLAYTON,
Pottesgrove, Woburn, milkman.—J. BURY. Jun., Sneiaton,
Nottinghamshire, cotton-waste-dealer.—R. DAVIS, Tredegar,
Monmouthshire, draper.—E. THORNTON , Huddersfield, iron-
monger.—I. J. and S. DEWHURST, Skipton, cotton-spinners.
April 4th. G. H. BRADBERRY and G. R. LOWE, Great Tower-
street, flour-factors.—L. W. LLOYD, Goldhawk-terrace,
Shepherd's-bush, builder.—J. GENTRY, Rocking, Essex smith.—
J. B. BROWNE, Newcastle-under-Lyme, wine-merchant.—R.
MOATE, Misterton, Nottinghamshire, innkeeper.—H. REYNOLDS,
Aberdare, innkeeper.—W. ANDREWS, Liverpool, commission-
merchant.—C. ROOPE, Liverpool, wine-merchant.—R. A.
TAYLOR, Dunston, Durham, Epsom-salts-manufacturer.
April 8th. G. SMELLIE, High-street. Shadwell, silversmith.—
R. PEACH, Thorney, Isle of Ely, butcher.—W. COX, Bloomfleld-
terrace, Harrow-road, stock-broker.—J. T. HOBSON,
Wellingborough, corn-merchant.—W. ROBINSON, Trinity-square, Tower-
hill corn-factor.—G.F.JONES, East Ilsey, Berkshire, surgeon.
—G. STOCKBRIDGE, Oxford-street, draper.—J.HILL, Holcombe
Rogus, Devonshire, linen-draper.—J. MCLEAN, Liverpool,
April 11th. R. GADESDEN, Brompton-square, coal-merchant.
—F. E. D. HAST, Aldermanbury, merchant. W. PRANGLEY,
New Sarum, music-seller.—W. M. HILL, Charlton-place, Islington,
builder.—J. HORWELL, Lower-marsh, Lambeth, cheese-
monger.—R. E. GORST. Rock Terry, Cheshire, apothecary.—T.
CAVE, South Kilworth, Leicestershire, innkeeper.—J. MANN,
Warwick, victualler.—G. POWLESLAND, Meeth, Devonshire,
dealer in seeds.—W. FRUDD, Barnsley, draper.—G. ROBSON,
Jun., Osbaldwick, Yorkshire, horse-dealer.—R. WALLEY,
Accrington, Lancashire, mercer.
April 15th. W. R. MABSON, Highfleld, Hampshire, auctioneer.
—J. JOWETT, Bull-bridge, Derbyshire, shoe-merchant.—J.
GRACIE, Bristol, woollen-draper.—W. FARROW, Hull, coal-
merchant.—T. MOORE, Jun., South Hylton, Durham, merchant.—
L. T. WANG, Sunderland, merchant.
April 18th. H. BRIGHT, Maldon, corn-merchant.—S.
MANNING, Union-place, New-road, statuary.—T. and R. HATFIELD,
Clapham.—J. PENNYCAD, Woolwich, grocer.—J. S. ROCHAT,
St. Martin's-lane, watch-maker.—J. JOWETT, Bull-bridge,
Derbyshire, merchant.—J. DEW and J. ESTILL, Bath,
pawnbrokers.—G. WAUGH, Edenhall. Cumberland, banker.
April 25th. R. S. SMITH, Southsea, Southampton, ironmonger.
—A. BLUMENTHAL, John-street, Crutched-friars, wine-merchant.
—C. SNELLING, Gracechurch-street, hosier.—R. BROWN, Old
Broad-street, auctioneer.—J. PEARSON, Kingswinford, Stafford-
shire, innkeeper.—R. ALEXANDER, Maesteg, Glamorganshire,
grocer.—G. SAYCE, Heywood, Lancashire, grocer.—M. MEIKLE,
Liverpool, pawnbroker.
April 22nd. A. S. BREESE and G. S. BREESE, Aylsham,
Norfolk, ironmongers.—W. NEWMAN Great Chart-street, Hoxton,
colour-manufacturer.—J. A. RICHES, Halesworth, Suffolk,
April 4th. R. J. JOHNSON, Woolwich, plumber.
April 11th. E. HALL, Salford, small-ware-manufacturer.
April 15th. E. SMITH, Worcester, hop-merchant.
April 18th. W. FORD, High Holborn, haberdasher.
THE English market has continued the even tenor of its way
with but trifling interruption. The brokers spent many dull
days at the end of March; very few transfers of three per cent.
Consols having been effected at steady rates ranging at from
963/8 to 3/4. The news of a fall in funds in the United States, and
afterwards in Paris, at the beginning of April, caused a slight
depression; but this was soon recovered. There has been more
activity in the Foreign House. The last new Portuguese revolution
sunk the low rates of Portuguese funds still lower; whilst the
arrival of an order for two and a half millions of dollars payable
in 1852, on account of the Mexican debt, put the Mexican bond-
holders in spirits, and the prices of that stock went up.
The mania for speculation in Railway Shares (in consequence of
the enormous traffic expected on railways) rose to its height in
the first week in April, when from 8 to 20 per cent, was paid by
holders to have their accounts carried over till the middle of
April. At the same time, so abundant was money, that only
from 1 to 2 per cent could be obtained for loans on Consols!
Railway speculation, however, received an early check, and the
market is assuming a healthier tone.
FOREIGN FUNDS—LATEST PRICES. Belgian 41/2 per cent.,STOCKS. Highest. Lowest. Latest. Three per Cent. Consols 973/8 961/2 963/4 Three per Cent. Reduced 973/8 961/8 961/8 Three and a quarter per Cents. 975/8 971/2 973/4 Long Annuities, Jan. 1860 73/8 73/8 73/8 Bank Stock 212 2111/2 2111/2 India Stock 2641/2 261 261 Exchequer Bills 58s. prm. 51s. prm. 51s. prm. India Bonds 64s. prm. 54s. prm. 60s. prm.
Brazilian 5 per cent.,
Chilian 3 per cent.,
Danish 3 per cent., 761/2
Dutch 21/2 pr. cent. 12 guild., 591/2
French 3 per cent, f. c.
,, 5 ,, f. c.
Mexican, 5 per cent, 353/8
New York (1858) 5 per cent.,
Pennsylvania 5 per cent.,
Peruvian 5 per cent., 841/2
,, (Deferred) 4 p. ct., 391/2
Portuguese 5 per cent., 89
Russian 41/2 per cent., 993/8
Spanish 5 per cent., acct.
Venezuela Bonds, 21/4, 191/2
FOREIGN RAILWAYS—LATEST PRICES.Paid. RAILWAYS. Highest. Lowest. Latest. all Aberdeen 161/4 147/8} 147/8 100 Brighton and South Coast 98 95 971/2 all Blackwall 81/2 77/8 8 100 Bristol and Exeter 82 80 801/2 50 Caledonian 14 153/8 151/4 20 Eastern Counties 73/8 73/8 75/8 50 Edinburgh and Glasgow 361/4 341/2 361/2 all Great Northern 175/8 183/8 183/8 100 Great Western, ex. div. 89 89 883/8 50 Hull and Selby 1021/2 1011/2 1011/2 100 Lancashire and Yorkshire 641/2 60 64 100 London & North Western 1293/4 1281/4 1291/2 100 Midland 643/4 615/8 643/8 25 North British 101/4 93/4 103/8 30 South Eastern and Dover 281/2 27 281/8 100 South Western 89 871/4 89 25 York, Newc., and Berwick 221/2 213/8 221/8 50 York and North Midland 28 267/8 271/2
Boulogne and Amiens, 93/4
East Indian, 151/2
Namur and Liege, 81/2
Northern of France, 145/8
Paris and Rouen, 243/8
Paris and Strasbourg, 103/4
Rouen and Havre, 101/8
Tours and Nantes, 61/8
Wheat, per qr., 39s. 5d.; Barley, 24s. 5d.; Oats, 17s. 5d.; Rye,
24s. 7d.; Beans, 26s. 10d.; Peas, 25s. 9d.; Flour (town made),
delivered, 40s. to 44s.; American barrel of 280 lbs., 22s. to 23s.
Bacon, per cwt., Waterford, 50s.
to 57s.; Belfast, 44s. to 47s.
Beef, per 8 lbs., mid. to prime,
2s. 2d. to 3s. 4d.
Butter, per cwt.—Carlow,
1st., 64s. to 72s.; Waterford,
1st, 62s. to 70s.;
Dutch Friesland, 82s. to
84s.; Limerick, 64s. to 72s.
Cheese, per cwt., Cheshire, 40s.
to 59s.; Wiltshire, Double,
40s. to 53s.; Dutch, New
Gouda, 29s.; American, 34s.
Eggs, per 120, English, 4s. 6d. to
Hams, per cwt.—York or
Cumberland, 60s. to 76s.; Irish,
68s.; Westphalia, 48s. to
Mutton, per 8 lbs., mid. to
prime, 2s 4d. to 3s. 6d.
Potatoes, per ton.—Kent and
Essex Shaws, 59s. to 70s.;
Kent and Essex Middling,
55s. to 75s.; Chats, 30s. to
Pork, per cwt. 65s. to 70s.
Veal, per 8 lbs., 3s. to 3s. 10d.
Cocoa, per cwt. Ord. to good
red Trinidad, 46s. to 55s.;
Brazil, 28s. to 30s.
Coffee, per cwt.—Good ord.,
native Ceylon, 41s. 6d. to 68s.;
Mocha, 42s. to 80s.; Java,
42s. to 52s.
Rice, per cwt.—Bengal mid. to
fine white, 8s. 6d. to 11s. 6d.;
Madras, 7s. to 9s. 6d.;
Patna, 11s. to 17s.
Sugar, per cwt.—Lumps, 48s.
to 52s.; British West
India, good grocery, 36s.
to 42s.; Mauritius, brown,
28s. to 42s.; Brazil, do. 32s.
to 44s.
Tea, per lb. (duty 2s. 1d.),—
Ord. Congou, 113/4d. to 1s. 7d.;
Souchong, com. to fine, 1s.
to 2s. 8d.; ord. to fine
Hyson, 1s. 2d. to 3s. 9d.;
Imperial, 1s. 2d. to 2s. 6d.
Candles, per 12 lbs., 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d.
Coals, per ton, 13s. 6d. to 21s.
Pale Seal, per 252 gals., £34
to £35
Sperm, £86 to £88
Cod, £38
Palm, per ton, £29 to £30
Olive, Gallipoli, £41
Linseed, £33 5s.
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