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A Mere Scratch [iii]

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Author Henry T. Spicer
Genre Prose: Serial Fiction i
Subjects Animals; Domestic Animals; Pets; Working Animals; Birds; Insects
Gender Identity; Women; Men; Femininity; Masculinity
Health; Diseases; Personal Injuries; Hygiene; Cleanliness—Fiction
Marriage; Courtship; Love; Sex
Social classes; Class distinctions; Aristocracy (Social Class); Aristocracy (Social Class)—Fiction; Middle Class; Working Class; Servants;
Other Details
Printed : 20/10/1866
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume XVI
Magazine : No. 391
Office Book Notes
Views : 1295

Chapter 5 of 8. Article repr. in Bound to Please, 2 vols (London, 1867). Attribution: Kathleen Tillotson, 'Henry Spicer, Forster, and Dickens', Dickensian, 84 (1988), p. 78.

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