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An Area Sneak

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Author Henry Fothergill Chorley
Genre Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Art; Design; Painting; Sculpture; Photography; Interior Decoration;
Beauty, Personal; Grooming; Appearance (Philosophy); Physiognomy
Ethics; Morals; Moral Development; Moral Education; Philosophy; Values
Other Details
Printed : 15/4/1865
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume XIII
Magazine : No. 312
Office Book Notes
Views : 1751

See also 'A Serpent in Arcadia', All the Year Round, Vol. XIV, No. 328, 'A Prophet without Honour', All the Year Round, Vol. XV, No. 356 and 'Ballad Opera and Home Tragedy', All the Year Round, Vol. XVII, No. 408. These 'three stories are written as continuations of ['An Area Sneak'] and are therefore, I assume', writes Robert Bledsoe, 'also by Chorley' (Dickens, Journalism, Music: Household Words and All the Year Round [London: Continuum, 2012], p. 115).

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