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Christian, the Dol Hertzog: (So Called from his Furious Behaviour)

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Author Robert Bulwer Lytton
Genre Poetry: Narrative i
Subjects Religion; Religion and Culture
Other Details
Printed : 6/4/1861
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume V
Magazine : No. 102
Office Book Notes
Views : 1802

Attribution (not in Oppenlander) based on reprinting of this poem, along with a corroborating footnote from the memoirs of a French-speaking contemporary and with the spelling of 'Hertzog' corrected throughout to 'Hartzog', in the copyright edition of The Poems of Owen Meredith (i.e. Robert Bulwer Lytton) 2 vols (Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1869) II, pp. 248–51.

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