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Dame Martha's Well

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Author Robert Williams Buchanan
Genre Poetry: Narrative i
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Printed : 13/11/1869
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume II "New Series"
Magazine : No. 50
Office Book Notes
Views : 1469

Attribution: reprinted in Good Words (October, 1870) and signed 'Robert Buchanan'.  'Dame Martha's Well' is a translation of a poem by the Danish writer, Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789-1862). An earlier English version, 'Dame Martha's Fountain', was published in the article, 'Danish and Norwegian Literature' in The Foreign Quarterly Review (Vol. VI No. XI, 1830) and was reprinted in Longfellow's anthology, Poems of Places (1876) but this version of the poem matches the Good Words version word for word.


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