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Exceedingly Odd Fellows [ii]

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Author Andrew Halliday
Genres Cross-genre i
Prose: Autobiography; Biography; Memoirs; Obituary; Anecdotes i
Prose: Short Fiction i
Subjects Associations; Institutions; Clubs; Labor Unions
Money; Finance; Banking; Investments; Taxation; Insurance; Debt; Inheritance and Succession
Social classes; Class distinctions; Aristocracy (Social Class); Aristocracy (Social Class)—Fiction; Middle Class; Working Class; Servants;
Temperance; Alcoholism
Other Details
Printed : 16/4/1864
Journal : All the Year Round
Volume : Volume XI
Magazine : No. 260
Office Book Notes
Views : 1452

See also 'My Account with Her Majesty', All the Year Round, XI, No. 254 (March 5 1864).

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