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I never heard him even name himself as Major
but always simple "Jemmy Jackman" and once
soon after he came when I felt it my duty to let
him know that Miss Wozenham had put it about
that he was no Major and I took the liberty of
adding "which you are sir" his words were
"Madam at any rate I am not a Minor, and
sufficient for the day is the evil thereof" which
cannot be denied to be the sacred truth, nor yet
his military ways of having his boots with only
the dirt brushed off taken to him in the front
parlour every morning on a clean plate and
varnishing them himself with a little sponge and a
saucer and a whistle in a whisper so sure as ever
his breakfast is ended, and so neat his ways that
it never soils his linen which is scrupulous though
more in quality than quantity, neither that nor his
moustachios which to the best of my belief are
done at the same time and which are as black
and shining as his boots, his head of hair being
a lovely white.

It was the third year nearly up of the Major's
being in the parlours that early one morning in
the month of February when Parliament was
coming on and you may therefore suppose a
number of impostors were about ready to take
hold of anything they could get, a gentleman
and lady from the country came in to view the
Second, and I well remember that I had been
looking out of window and had watched them
and the heavy sleet driving down the street
together looking for bills. I did not quite take
to the face of the gentleman though he was
good-looking too but the lady was a very pretty
young thing and delicate, and it seemed too
rough for her to be out at all though she had
only come from the Adelphi Hotel which would
not have been much above a quarter of a mile
if the weather had been less severe. Now it
did so happen my dear that I had been forced
to put five shillings weekly additional on the
second in consequence of a loss from running
away full-dressed as if going out to a dinner-
party, which was very artful and had made me
rather suspicious taking it along with Parliament,
so when the gentleman proposed three
months certain and the money in advance and
leave then reserved to renew on the same
terms for six months more, I says I was not
quite certain but that I might have engaged
myself to another party but would step down
stairs and look into it if they would take a seat.
They took a seat and I went down to the
handle of the Major's door that I had already
began to consult finding it a great blessing, and
I knew by his whistling in a whisper that he
was varnishing his boots which was generally
considered private, however he kindly calls out
"If it's you, Madam, come in," and I went in
and told him.

"Well, Madam," says the Major rubbing
his noseas I did fear at the moment with
the black sponge but it was only his knuckle, he
being always neat and dexterous with his
fingers—"well, Madam, I suppose you would be
glad of the money?"

I was delicate of saying "Yes" too out, for a
little extra colour rose into the Major's cheeks
and there was irregularity which I will not
particularly specify in a quarter which I will not

"I am of opinion, Madam," says the Major
"that when money is ready for youwhen it is
ready for you Mrs. Lirriperyou ought to take
it. What is there against it, Madam, in this case

"I really cannot say there is anything against
it sir, still I thought I would consult you."

"You said a newly-married couple, I think,
Madam?" says the Major.

I says "Ye-es. Evidently. And indeed the
young lady mentioned to me in a casual way
that she had not been married many months."

The Major rubbed his nose again and stirred
the varnish round and round in its little saucer
with his piece of sponge and took to his whistling
in a whisper for a few moments. Then he
says "You would call it a Good Let, Madam?"

"Oh certainly a Good Let sir."

"Say they renew for the additional six
months. Would it put you about very much
Madam ifif the worst was to come to the
worst?" said the Major.

"Well I hardly know," I says to the Major.
"It depends upon circumstances. Would you
object Sir for instance?"

"I?" says the Major. "Object? Jemmy
Jackman? Mrs. Lirriper close with the

So I went up-stairs and accepted, and they
came in next day which was Saturday and
the Major was so good as to draw up a
Memorandum of an agreement in a beautiful round
hand and expressions that sounded to me
equally legal and military, and Mr. Edson
signed it on the Monday morning and the Major
called upon Mr. Edson on the Tuesday and Mr.
Edson called upon the Major on the Wednesday
and the Second and the parlours were as friendly
as could be wished.

The three months paid for had run out and we
had got without any fresh overtures as to
payment into May my dear, when there came an
obligation upon Mr. Edson to go a business
expedition right across the Isle of Man, which fell
quite unexpected on that pretty little thing and
is not a place that according to my views is
particularly in the way to anywhere at any
time but that may be a matter of opinion. So
short a notice was it that he was to go next
day, and dreadfully she cried poor pretty and
I am sure I cried too when I saw her on
the cold pavement in the sharp east windit
being a very backward spring that year taking
a last leave of him with her pretty bright hair
blowing this way and that and her arms clinging
round his neck and him saying "There there
there! Now let me go Peggy." And by that
time it was plain that what the Major had been
so accommodating as to say he would not object
to happening in the house, would happen in it,
and I told her as much when he was gone
while I comforted her with my arm up the
staircase, for I says "You will soon have others